Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Respiration / Sound and light

Today we're going to finish looking at the human body/respiration section of the course and prepare for the sound and light unit we're going to do next term.
Complete the following:

  1. Make sure you've seen your test paper, and written a sentence in your book about it. 'I achieved    %. To improve, I am going to keep            and start              .'
  2. What was one part of this term that you enjoyed?
  3. What was one thing about science this term that you would like to change?
  4. Complete this activity. What do our red blood cells do for us?
  5. What job do white blood cells do in the blood?
  6. Complete this puzzle, naming on eogan in the digestive system.
  7. In what ways can bacteria get into your blood?
  8. Complete this activity. What changes the volume of the guitar?
  9. Complete this activity about light, and write down one thing you find out:
  10. Try this wordsearch, or any of the old links from this site.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Cellular Respiration

Today we're going to finish up looking at respiration, ready for some practicals and revision for the unit test coming up next week. Answer the following in yoru books:

  1. Write down the full equation for cellular respiration. You will NEED to know this off by heart!
  2. What cells in the blood carry oxygen to the muscles?
  3. Complete this quiz, writing down the question and correct answer for one of the quiz questions.
  4. Finally, you're going to do some research, similar to what we were doing with powerpoints last week. Think of a question you have about what we've been looking at. e.g -
  • What route does the oxygen take from the lungs to the muscles?
  • What mnakes the heart beat?
  • What percentage of air is carbon dioxide? What about the amount we breathe out?
  • How do our muscles move?
  • How often do we breathe in a day/month/year/lifetime!
  • Why is respiration important?
  • Why do we have so many different organs?
  • Where is the appendix? What job does the appendix do?
Write some notes about what you find, and we'll be talking about people's answers at the end.