Thursday, 31 January 2013

Light and Eyes

Today we're going to do some summary work on light and how our eyes work. Answer the following questions in your books, working in pairs with the computers:
  1. What colours make up white light?
  2. The picture below is a diagram of a raindrop creating a rainbow. What is the term for when the light bends as it enters or leaves the drop? What about when it bounces off the back?

3. Why do rainbows from as semi-circles? Where would you need to be to see a complete circle rainbow?
4. What else does the cornea do apart from protecting the eye?
5. Complete the first four 'quick quiz' questions about light being reflected and absorbed. What happens for us to see an object as blue?
6. Watch this video. Do sound or light waves travel quicker? How fast do they each travel?
7. Extension - Provide a summary of the Doppler effect using the words wavelength, frequency and moving.

Finally, we're going to make some bunting to go on the room of w12. Take a coloured triangle and write/draw 1 interesting fact you know from this unit about sound and light. Then come to the front and stick it on the string!

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

Today we will be looking at sound and hearing. Answer the following in your books:
  1. What layers make up the ear drum?
  2. What unit measures the loudness of sound (NOT amplitude!)?
  3. How loud is a train going past you? How long can you hear this loud noise without damaging your ears?
  4. What range of sounds can human ears hear?
  5. Which animal can hear the highest sounds? What is the lowest frequency a cat can hear?
  6. Watch this video about hearing loss. What can cause hearing loss?
  7. What is the scientific name for hearing loss due to hearing loud noises?
  8. Extension - What is SONAR? What is it used for? How does it work?