Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Today we're going to start revision for the test which we will sit on Friday. It will cover what we've done since half term - microbes and ecosystems. Complete the following in your book.
  1. How are pathogens stopped from entering the body?
  2. What would happen to the population of Hawks if the number of insects increased in this food web?
  3. What is an adaptation? What does it help a plant or animal do?
  4. Bacteria grow well if incubated at 37 degrees celsius. Why is this?
  5. Who was Alexander Fleming? What did he discover?
  6. For the diagram below, which antibiotic worked best for each species of Bacteria? (name them using the colours on the paper). How can you tell?             
  7. Which way do the arrows point in a food web?             
  8. What is the difference between consumers and producers?
  9. What are quadrats? What are they useful for?
  10. Draw a pyramid of numbers for this food chain:
  11. Extension - Choose one of the UK's threatened animals, and explain why it is in dnager of extinction. Suggest a way it could adapt to save itself.
  12. Try any of these activities.

Tuesday, 5 March 2013


Today we're going to keep looking at how factors in the environment influence which animals and plants can live there. We are also going to start talking about food chains. Complete the following in your books:
  1. What environmental factors does a crocodile need to survive?
  2. Do plants all need the same soil pH or different ones? Give an example of the preferred soil pH for one plant type:
  3. Which three resources do plants compete for?
  4. What does a food chain show?
  5. Draw a food chain with at least two animals and one plant.
  6. Which way do the arrows point in a food chain?
  7. What things are at the base of all food chains? Where does all the energy for food chains come from?
  8. Is these organisms  producers or consumers?
  9. Try this game (you'll get an achievement point if you complete all the questions and finish this!). What is the name for all the food chains in an ecosystem?