Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Today we're going to look at respiration. Answe rthe following in your books:

  1. What is cellular respiration?
  2. For the link above, how is cellular respiration different to breathing respiration?
  3. Which 3 tubes does air travel through to reach the alveoli?
  4. Use the animation to name the muscles between the ribs:
  5. What are the tiny blood vessels around the alveoli in the lungs called? (we've used this word before).
  6. How are athletes dietary needs different to other peoples?
  7. Why would many athletes need different amounts of carbohydrates to less active people?
  8. Give one way that cystic fibrosis can affect the lungs:
  9. Where do the right and left sides of the heart pump blood to?
  10. Which part of the blood carries oxygen? Give one other feature that helps these cells do their job:
  11. Why are red blood cells shaped the way they are? Describe the shape and how it helps them:
  12. Try this activity. What parts of the blood protect against infection?

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