Wednesday, 19 December 2012

Respiration / Sound and light

Today we're going to finish looking at the human body/respiration section of the course and prepare for the sound and light unit we're going to do next term.
Complete the following:

  1. Make sure you've seen your test paper, and written a sentence in your book about it. 'I achieved    %. To improve, I am going to keep            and start              .'
  2. What was one part of this term that you enjoyed?
  3. What was one thing about science this term that you would like to change?
  4. Complete this activity. What do our red blood cells do for us?
  5. What job do white blood cells do in the blood?
  6. Complete this puzzle, naming on eogan in the digestive system.
  7. In what ways can bacteria get into your blood?
  8. Complete this activity. What changes the volume of the guitar?
  9. Complete this activity about light, and write down one thing you find out:
  10. Try this wordsearch, or any of the old links from this site.

Thursday, 6 December 2012

Cellular Respiration

Today we're going to finish up looking at respiration, ready for some practicals and revision for the unit test coming up next week. Answer the following in yoru books:

  1. Write down the full equation for cellular respiration. You will NEED to know this off by heart!
  2. What cells in the blood carry oxygen to the muscles?
  3. Complete this quiz, writing down the question and correct answer for one of the quiz questions.
  4. Finally, you're going to do some research, similar to what we were doing with powerpoints last week. Think of a question you have about what we've been looking at. e.g -
  • What route does the oxygen take from the lungs to the muscles?
  • What mnakes the heart beat?
  • What percentage of air is carbon dioxide? What about the amount we breathe out?
  • How do our muscles move?
  • How often do we breathe in a day/month/year/lifetime!
  • Why is respiration important?
  • Why do we have so many different organs?
  • Where is the appendix? What job does the appendix do?
Write some notes about what you find, and we'll be talking about people's answers at the end.

Monday, 26 November 2012

Group assignments

Today we will be looking at how different organ systems in the body work. In your groups, you need to produce a powerpoint slideshow that you will use to talk about your system in class on Friday.
To prepare, complete the following steps:
  • Make sure you know what system you are talking about, and what the major organs in it are.
  • Describe what your system does, and why this is important for the body.
  • Explain a problem that can occur if it isn't working properly. To find information, try searching for something like '        system disease'.
  • Finally, make sure you have some pictures or animations that show what your system does and how it does it.
Make sure you know what people in your group will say/do during your presentation. Making scripts that people can read would be a good idea. We will be judging a winner and there will be a prize, so make sure you're organised!

Wednesday, 21 November 2012


Today we're going to look at respiration. Answe rthe following in your books:

  1. What is cellular respiration?
  2. For the link above, how is cellular respiration different to breathing respiration?
  3. Which 3 tubes does air travel through to reach the alveoli?
  4. Use the animation to name the muscles between the ribs:
  5. What are the tiny blood vessels around the alveoli in the lungs called? (we've used this word before).
  6. How are athletes dietary needs different to other peoples?
  7. Why would many athletes need different amounts of carbohydrates to less active people?
  8. Give one way that cystic fibrosis can affect the lungs:
  9. Where do the right and left sides of the heart pump blood to?
  10. Which part of the blood carries oxygen? Give one other feature that helps these cells do their job:
  11. Why are red blood cells shaped the way they are? Describe the shape and how it helps them:
  12. Try this activity. What parts of the blood protect against infection?

Thursday, 15 November 2012


Today we're going to keep looking at the organs in the body. Complete the following:
  1. What organs does food travel through on the way down the digestive system?
  2. Watch this animation. What is the most important muscle in the body? What does it do?
  3. Complete this activity. Name one organ that you have two of:
  4. What two things does your body need to produce energy to run?
  5. Using the link above, name the reaction and write the word equation for it (        +         =........ )
  6. Do plants have cellular respiration as well?
  7. How are capillaries, veins and arteries similar? Write down where each type of vessel takes the blood.
  8. Watch the video at the bottom of the page (press 's' for subtitles). Why is there cartilage in your lungs?
  9. What word starts with 'd' to describe how oxygen moves into the blood and carbon dioxide moves out?
  10. If you have done your HOMEWORK already, give it to Mr. Cole with your name on it now. If you haven't yet, use this link to write down the name of an enzyme and what it does.
  11. Try to complete this activity. What comes after the bronchus?
  12. Once you've done everything else, try this challenge.
Extension - Read this article about asthma. What happens in the lungs that causes the person to become short of breath? What things can cause it and what are the symptoms?

Wednesday, 17 October 2012

Behaviour and tests

Today we're going to be looking through our tests and thinking about our behaviour in class so far. The test scores are all good, but I'm worried that we're not listening in class which is affecting some results and making things unsafe.
On a positive note, Macen and Sophia drew the best picture on their papers at the end (and stayed quiet!!) so will both get achievement points.
Answer the following in your books:

  1. What was one topic in the test that you knew lots about?
  2. Complete this sentence - 'I will improve my chemistry by looking more at ........... next time.'
  3. Read the text above these questions.  What is Mr. Cole worried about in class?
  4. Look at this page about ways of doing well at University. What is one thing that you don't do at the moment that you could also do at Cheney?
  5. Look at this burn caused by sodium hyroxide (a chemical that we use in school). Why is listening to practical instructions important?                                                                          
  6. Name the seven nutrients that our bodies need. Why do we NEED some fat in our diets?
  7. Complete this activity. What happens if you don't get enough Iron?
  8. Complete this activity about healthy eating choices.
  9. Finally, try this activity.
This will be due first lesson next week (Monday, period 5).  Over this weekend, try and list something you eat containing each of the 7 food groups from question 6:
  • carbohydrates
  • proteins
  • fats
  • minerals
  • vitamins
  • fibre
  • water

Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Chemistry revision

Today we're going to be looking at what we've covered so far for a test on Friday.  Make sure you understand the following points, completing the questions at home for homework.

  1. What are the eight properties of metals?
  2. What is special about an element?
  3. Where are the metals and non-metals in the periodic table? How can you tell? 
  4. What does solubility mean?
  5. For the separation practical we did last week, what was the solvent we used for the salt? 
  6. Use the animations to describe what makes up a mixture. How is it different from a compound? 
  7. Heat up the pan in this animation. What do the particles do when they are heated?
  8. For question 7, would the pan heat up as much if the particles were more spread out? Why?
  9. Name the 5 methods of separation.  Describe the three steps for evaporation, explaining what type of mixtures it can be used for.
  10. Use this link to try naming the compounds (in the grey box at the top), using the yellow notes below to help you. This is a bit tricky, so don't worry if you don't get it straight away!
  11. What parts of this carbon atom can you name?

Our homework is a sheet on this link. You can write it out or print it off and fill in the gaps, and bring it in on Friday for an achievement point.

Wednesday, 19 September 2012

  1. What is the chemical symbol for iron?
  2. Complete this activity, and write down the 2 things that happen when you bond oxygen to water.
  3. What happens if you place solid Magnesium in a Copper solution?
  4. Who was Dmitri Mendeleev? What did he create? Find one other scientist on this website and briefly explain what they achieved. 
  5. How many groups are there in the periodic table?
  6. Give one  reactive metal and one non-reactive one:
  7. What are the reactants and products in a reaction?
  8. Explain the difference between an element and a molecule . 
  9. What do the lines between the atoms in this molecular model represent? How many different elements can you see here?                                                                               
Try these once you're finished:

Wednesday, 18 July 2012

Today we're going to do some planning for next year. Think about th following questions and answer thm in your books -
1. What did you enjoy abou Science last year?
2. What would you have liked to change or done differently?
3. What do you want to achieve in Science? How can you go about doing this?
4. Finally, we will be using the internet for lots of different activities this year.  See if you can find ay websites with Science - related games, and email Mr. Cole the address if you do. here are some fom last year to give you an idea:

Thursday, 12 July 2012

This is our class website, we will be using it regularly this year for classwork and homework.  First of all, make sure you write the address in your planner or somewhere safe so you can find it later, as well as saving it in your favourites.
  1. Where and when were fireworks invented?
  2. Watch this video in class, or for homework if it's blocked at school.  What does he cut in half to explain atoms?
  3. What are elements?
  4. How many atoms can you fit on the end of a pin? 
  5. Is there an element in the periodic table that has a symbol that starts with the same letter as your name? What is it? (Josh, you should know that Germans sometimes use J instead of I for the element iodine).
  6. What are these chemists wearing/doing to stay safe in their laboratory? List as many things as you can:                                                            
  7. How many elements are there in the 'halogen' group?
  8. Explain the difference between elements, compounds and mixtures:
  9. Play this game. Do all elements bond to each other in the same way?